Pregnancy care by your gynecologist

The time of pregnancy is certainly a very special one. It is characterized by anticipation, uncertainty, fascination for the future life, doubt and maybe also a little fear of what is to come. I can confirm this from my own experience as a mother of two children. But even as a gynecologist, I encounter this every day when I have contact with expectant mothers in my practice.

Together with my practice team, colleagues in the laboratories and advanced diagnostics, and our cooperation partners, we look forward to being able to support you in this phase. We offer you comprehensive support also in a midwife consultation hour and additional offers such as birth preparation courses or post natal gymnastics. Together we will do everything to give you the best possible support!

When is the right time for the first appointment?

Commercial pregnancy tests, which you can get in the pharmacy, indicate the existence of pregnancy as early as about 2 weeks after fertilization . Since the quality of these tests is very good, pregnancy can be assumed if the result is positive. In the first 6 weeks of pregnancy, further confirmation by the gynecologist using ultrasound is often not yet possible. In principle, a test for the pregnancy hormone HCG in the blood can deliver results earlier. However, since this examination has to be paid for privately, it only makes sense in individual cases due to the short time saved compared to the urine test.

If you have a positive test or suspect pregnancy, it is best to contact us promptly by phone. Based on your individual needs, we can make the right appointment to determine or confirm pregnancy.

Maternity care examinations

In Germany the examinations are carried out according to guidelines, which are provided by doctors and health insurance companies in the Joint Federal Committee. These maternity guidelines state that you should be examined every 4 weeks until the 30th week of pregnancy, and more frequently afterwards. The implementation of these examinations for maternity care ensures high-quality care and support for the mother and her unborn child. Some of the examinations can also be carried out at our midwife consultation on request. Advice and, if necessary, implementation of important vaccinations during pregnancy are also part of the services in our practice.

Extended maternity care includes examinations supplementing the standards of the Joint Federal Committee . These are recommended in individual cases with special indications, can offer increased security or have not yet been incorporated into the guidelines due recently proven relevance. Examples of such examinations of the extended prevention are a test for toxoplasmosis (particularly useful for expectant mothers with frequent contact with animals), improved sugar tests OGTT 75g (increased safety due to increased accuracy) or a test for the occurrence of pregnancy poisoning (new procedure for preeclampsia). The examinations of extended maternity care are usually paid for by private insurance companies; public health insurers do not cover the costs. We advise you  which extended preventive medical check-ups can be useful for you.


  • Determination of gestational age
  • Detailed obstetric history and filling in the mother's passport
  • Nutrition and risk advice
  • Blood and urine tests (blood group, antibody test, rubella test, test for syphillis and HIV, chlamydial test)
Extended maternity care
Monitoring child development

The examinations with which the child's development is monitored are also described in the context of the maternity guideline. It contains three so-called "screenings" that are carried out at defined times.

Untersuchung in der Schwangerschaft
Examination during pregnancy Dr. Möller // own picture

The same applies here: the defined guidelines ensure that problems in the development of the unborn child are recognized. Nevertheless, it can make sense to carry out additional examinations complementing the intended screening. For example, at the parents' request, genetic tests for possible diseases of the child are possible. Depending on the perception of risk, a more frequent check using ultrasound is also useful. We would be happy to advise you on further investigations.

It is important: we only carry out examinations that are recommended by relevant specialist societies, in particular the German Society for Gynecology and Obstetrics (DGGG).


First trimester screening
  • Growth control (ultrasound)
  • First organ examinations (ultrasound)
Additional examinations
IGeL service, subject to a charge
  • NT measurement ("neck fold") including risk calculation and genetic counseling
  • Non-invasive prenatal diagnostics (NIPD): e.g. Praena / Harmony test

* In the event of abnormalities, further examinations are carried out for mother and child
depending on the diagnosis.

Pregnancy // kieferpix

related links (in German)

Offers of our cooperation partners


  • Möller Logo: Bildrechte bei Dr. F. Möller
  • Schriftzug: Bildrechte bei Dr. F. Möller
  • Untersuchung in der Schwangerschaft: Bildrechte bei Dr. F. Möller
  • 3D Ultraschall Säugling: GE | All Rights Reserved
  • Warten auf ein Baby: iStock // kieferpix