
Note: The information listed below does not replace individual advice by your gynecologist.
How it works
Prevention of vaginal ejaculation.
Protection against infections. Inexpensive contraceptive method.
Side effects
Restricted spontaneous sexuality and possibly limited sexual experience.
Medium effectiveness with a Pearl-Index of 2.0 - 12.0
How it works
Silicone ring, which closes the rear vaginal vault. Used by the woman before sexual intercourse using a spermicide for at least 10 minutes to a maximum of 2 hours before the sexual intercourse. Prevents sperm from entering the cervix.
Protection against rising germs, but not against HIV.
Side effects
Adjustment by the gynecologist and practice of insertion required. Other disadvantages analogous to condoms.
Low to medium security with a Pearl-Index of 1.0 - 20.0 (in combination with spermicides)
How it works
Chemicals that are inserted into the vagina in the form of foam, gel, suppositories or creams and that immobilize and kill sperm.
Easy handling, application possible at any time between 10 and 60 minutes before traffic.
Side effects
Effective only after 10 minutes, warmth in the vagina possible. In some cases, allergic reactions and increased discharge can occur.
Low to medium security with a Pearl-Index of 3.0 – 21.0
Source: Janni, Rack, Friese: Facharzt Gynäkologie, 1. ed. (2008), Urban & Fischer.
related links
- Möller Logo: Bildrechte bei Dr. F. Möller
- Schriftzug: Bildrechte bei Dr. F. Möller
- Verhütungsmittel “Pille”: iStock // warongdech
- Implanon: MSD SHARP & DOHME GmbH | All Rights Reserved
- Kupferspirale: iStock // Lalocracio
- Kondom in weiblicher Hand mit roten Nägeln. Isoliert auf weißem Hintergrund.: iStock // nantonov
- Bodycare Gynäkologie und die Gesundheit der Frau: iStock // Deagreez
- Beratungsgespräch Verhütung: Bildrechte bei Dr. F. Möller
- Raymond Pearl: George Grantham Bain Collection (Library of Congress)