Available for you 24 hours a day - use the convenient option to find a suitable appointment online!
What appointments can be made online?
You can also make numerous appointments at Dr. Möller's gynecological practice online outside of opening hours . However, not all appointments can be booked online, as certain intervals between examinations must be observed, for example, in the context of pregnancy. In this case, or if you cannot find a suitable date, please contact us by phone. An appointment online is possible for
Office hours
- Initial presentation (see note below)
- Private consultation
- Homeopathy consultation
In the context of pregnancy
- Initial presentation
- Midwife consultation
- Acupuncture treatment
- Counseling IUD and long-term contraception (e.g., Gynefix, copper ball IUB, copper IUD, hormonal IUD (e.g., Jaydess, Mirena, Kyleena), Implanon, etc.).
- Control spiral
- Cancer screening
- Routine control

To ensure appointment availability for our patients, we only treat a limited number of new patients each quarter. As a new patient with statutory insurance, please always register with the practice by telephone or e-mail; online booking is not possible.
You have acute complaints, e.g. bleeding or severe pain? In this case, we will of course take care of you without prior registration , but there may be waiting times. To keep this as short as possible, please call in advance. If we are not available, you can find contact persons outside office hours here.
Please also note the offer of the regional appointment service centers of the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians, which provides assistance in arranging a prompt appointment under the telephone number 116 117. Please note that no preferred appointments with a preferred physician will be arranged.
Thought of everything?
Please always remember your insurance card, as well as any documents you may need (maternity passport, vaccination certificate, allergy passport, doctor's reports, etc.). If you are coming to our practice for the first time, you are also welcome to fill out the registration and medical history form at home in advance. You will receive it automatically by mail as soon as you have booked a corresponding appointment online.
If you cannot keep an appointment ...
... then please call us early - if possible 24 hours in advance. In this way, you enable other patients to make an appointment at short notice and, especially in emergencies, to avoid unnecessary waiting times. If you provide us with your e-mail address, you will also be reminded again approx. 48-24h before your appointment if you wish. By the way: you can also cancel appointments made online.
Please note: we keep extra time for some treatments if they have been arranged in advance (e.g. insertion of IUDs). If these appointments are not cancelled at least 24 hours in advance, we reserve the right to charge a cancellation fee in accordance with § 615 BGB.