Birth control
Information about different types of contraception
If you deal with the topic of contraception, you will find countless information offers. You will encounter campaigns and advertising from pharmaceutical companies and specific interest groups. There are probably many different opinions in your circle of friends, maybe colleagues will share their specific experience. This is because, of course, many companies are pursuing a commercial interest and legitimately want to market their products. In addition, there is no one method that is the best. A lot depends on individual preferences, but also on the overall health and constitution and how the single person responds to a specific type of contraception.
We can help you find the right contraceptive method or work together for your individual solution. There are many factors to consider when choosing, which we will be happy to explain to you. Sometimes it is also necessary to closely monitor how your body reacts to the chosen method and to adapt the decision made before. Below we give you an overview of the common forms of contraception. Talk to us or arrange an individual consultation in our practice in downtown Munich!
Classical hormonal methods
Hormonal long-acting contraception
- Implant (Implanon NXT / Nexplanon)
- 3-month injections
- Hormonal IUD (e.g., Jaydess, Mirena, Kyleena)
Hormone-free contraception
- Frameless copper IUD (Gynefix)
- IUB Ballerine
- Gold/copper IUD
- Copper IUD
Barrier methods
Other methods
Usage statistics (Germany)
Vaginal ring
Three month injection
Sterilization, vasectomy
Temperature method
Source: BZgA, 2007