Classical Hormonal Contraception

Note: The information listed below does not replace individual advice by your gynecologist.
How it works
The mini-pill only contains the coronary hormone desogestrel. This inhibits ovulation as well as the transport of semen and eggs. In addition, it inhibits the build-up of the lining of the womb, making nesting of an egg cell almost impossible. The cervix remains tough, making it difficult for sperm to rise.
Can also be used for conditions after thrombosis, with bleeding shortly before menopause and migraines with aura.
Side effects
Taking the conventional mini pill requires great discipline and punctuality. Possible bleeding if used incorrectly. Some women complain of breast tenderness, headache, mood swings or sexual discomfort. Weight gain is possible.
High effectiveness with a Pearl-Index of 0.5 - 3.
How it works
Gestagen and estrogen are combined in the combined pill (2-step preparation). This inhibits egg maturation, egg and sperm transport, stabilization of the endometrium and impenetrability of the cervical mucus. The principle is very similar to that of the mini pill.
All combined pills can improve the complexion, stabilize bleeding and relieve period pain.
Side effects
Increased risk of thrombosis and stroke. Some patients complain of loss of libido, mood swings, headaches and a pronounced premenstrual syndrome. Weight gain is possible.
High to very high effectiveness with a Pearl-Index of 0.03 – 0.9
How it works
Variant of the combi pill, in which a natural estrogen is used to e.g. inhibit the formation of cysts. The contraceptive effect is comparable to the combination pill.
Comparable to the combination pill. Suitable for special indications if the patient tends to form cysts.
Side effects
Comparable to the combination pill.
High effectiveness (comparable to combination pill) with a Pearl-Index of 0.4 – 0.8
Vaginal ring (NuvaRing)
How it works
The vaginal ring is inserted vaginally by the user and remains in the body for 3 weeks. The ring contains etongestrel (luteal hormone) and estrogen, which is absorbed through the mucous membrane. Since the same types of hormones are contained as in the combination pill, the preventive function is identical.
Change only once at the moment. Lowest dosed combined preparation.
Side effects
Comparable to combination pill. Weight gain, breast tenderness, headache, mood swings or sexual discomfort may occur.
High effectiveness with a Pearl-Index of 0.65
How it works
The plaster contains two hormones (combi-preparation), so that the contraceptive effect is comparable to that of a combination pill. The patch is stuck to the thigh or arm and changed weekly.
Fewer user errors, advantages similar to the combination pill. Good cycle control.
Side effects
Comparable to combination pill or contraceptive ring.
High effectiveness with a Pearl-Index of 0.9
Source: M. Ludwig: Hormonelle Kontrazeption, 2. ed. (2015), Optimist-Fachbuchverlag.
Related links
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- Schriftzug: Bildrechte bei Dr. F. Möller
- Verhütungsmittel “Pille”: iStock // warongdech
- Implanon: MSD SHARP & DOHME GmbH | All Rights Reserved
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- Bodycare Gynäkologie und die Gesundheit der Frau: iStock // Deagreez
- Beratungsgespräch Verhütung: Bildrechte bei Dr. F. Möller
- Raymond Pearl: George Grantham Bain Collection (Library of Congress)